This is our most popular method for new clients to schedule an appointment. You select an available time offered by the therapist of your choice and immediately set your appointment. Your therapist will call or email you before your scheduled appointment. If you do not see an appointment that works for you, give a call to your therapist's voicemail. Our scheduling system is extremely secure. All information is stored in an encrypted environment. Click on the links below for the therapist you would like to see and you will be taken to their scheduling page.
Marne Wine, CST
Voicemail Appointment Setting
You can leave a message that you would like to schedule an appointment with one of our therapists. Your therapist will contact you and schedule an appointment. Our therapists make every effort to contact you within 24 hours. However, there is no guarantee that an appointment you see available on our Website will be available when they contact you.
If this is an emergency, crisis, or urgent appointment, please call your therapist and follow the emergency contact procedures.