Larry Nelson


Larry Nelson, LCSW

Phone: 303-215-4500
Email Address:
Office Hours: Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays
Office Address: 2221 East Street, Golden Co 80401
Fees: $112.50/45 min.  $150/60 min.


I am a licensed clinical social worker in the state of Colorado. I received my Masters of Social Work (MSW) from Smith College School for Social Work in 1976. I received my Colorado Social Work licensed in 1979.
I have been in clinical practice for 42 years, including 12 years with activity duty and retired military service members and their families. I have worked in the following settings: outpatient private practice settings; psychiatric inpatient and day hospital treatment programs; local department  of social services and the juvenile justice system.
My employment has been with the following facilities and clinics: Denver Department of Social Services; Boulder Psychiatric Institute; private practice settings in Boulder, Denver and Westminster, Colorado; United States Department of Navy in Italy; and United States Department of Army at Fort Carson, Colorado.


Larry’s Approach to Therapy

Clients seek counseling with me for problems with relationships, with managing emotions, and with managing life transitions. I assist the client in defining the problem, clarifying the goals and providing specific skills and homework to develop those skills. I also teach clients Mindfulness skills to assist them in achieving a more present-focused and emotionally balanced life. While my clinical practice is not long term therapy per se, I encourage clients to return to counseling intermittently “to fine-tune” their skills if needed.
My treatment approach is influenced by the following models of treatment: Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT); Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT); Solution-Focused Treatment (SFT); and Time-limited Intermittent Treatment. Establishing a therapeutic alliance with clients is critical to the success of any counseling. While empathy is important, successful outcomes also include clients learning specific skills and practicing them between sessions.

Larry Recommends:

Mindfulness Skills Worksheets (click on image)


From Amazon: This parenting book shows you how to raise self-confident, motivated children who are ready for the real world. Learn how to parent effectively while teaching your children responsibility and growing their character. Establish healthy control through easy-to-implement steps without anger, threats, nagging, or power struggles.


From Amazon: “The good news is that anxiety, guilt, pessimism, procrastination, low self-esteem, and other “black holes” of depression can be cured without drugs. In “Feeling Good”, eminent psychiatrist, David D. Burns, M.D., outlines the remarkable, scientifically proven techniques that will immediately lift your spirits and help you develop a positive outlook on life. In Feeling Great, Dr. David Burns reveals that our negative moods do not result from what’s wrong with us, but rather — what’s right with us. And when you listen and suddenly hear what your negative thoughts and feelings are trying to tell you, suddenly you won’t need them anymore, and recovery will be just a stone’s throw away.

Contact Today

Main Office
7800 S Elati Street Suite 230
Littleton, CO 80120
(303) 426-8757 HIPAA Software” width=

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