
3 Ways to Overcome Self-Doubt

Self-doubt can be debilitating. It can hold you back from pursuing your dreams and living the life you really want. Self-doubt can also make it hard to complete necessary daily tasks and make simple decisions.The good news is, it is possible to overcome self-doubt and quiet that negative self-talk. Here’s how:1. Take Charge ImmediatelyWhen inner doubts start to creep up, many people let...[ read more ]

How to Boost Your Self-Esteem

What does it mean to have a healthy self-esteem?Some people think it means you are okay with how you look. Other people think you must accomplish something big in your life to have a good self-esteem.But the reality is, having a healthy self-esteem means you like and appreciate yourself faults and all. A good self-esteem can be the difference between...[ read more ]

3 Steps to Self-Compassion

“God, you can be so stupid sometimes.”“Why would he be attracted to YOU?”“You’re just going to screw this up.”These are things you would probably never say to another human being unless you’re a real jerk. But how many of us have that inner critic that says these kinds of things all the time.Most of us treat ourselves far more harshly...[ read more ]

Getting Your Inner Spark Back: 5 Tips to Loving Yourself Again

We are born knowing that we are infinitely lovable. Babies and toddlers demand love and attention. They ask to be held, they ask for toys and presents and they feel they deserve them. When we’re very young, we simply somehow just “know” that we are amazing and deserve nothing but goodness.But then something happens…We get programmed by kids at school...[ read more ]

5 Activities to Help You Love Your Single Life

If you believe the many rom-coms filmed throughout the years, singles are sad, miserable, and lonely people who sit around waiting for someone to come along and “complete them.” Why has this myth been perpetuated to such gargantuan proportions?Did you know that studies have found that single people usually have more active lives than married people? Single people are far...[ read more ]

How To Stop Beating Yourself Up

When was the last time you heard from your inner critic? You know, that voice in your head that constantly judges you, puts you down and compares you to others. The one that tells you you’re not good enough or smart enough and says things you would never dream of saying to another person.Now you may think this inner critic, while annoying,...[ read more ]

Set Yourself Up For Success: The Importance of Goal Setting to Improve Self Esteem

Many people set goals to get in better physical shape. They want tighter buns, six pack abs and arms that never jiggle. But how many people decide to work on their inner selves?No matter what we look like on the outside, it’s who we are on the inside that really dictates our lives. Self-esteem reflects the relationship we have with ourselves. The...[ read more ]

5 Signs You Aren’t Practicing Self-Care

Self-care is complex. Anyone can tell you to do it, but only you can bestow the gift of self-care onto yourself. But before you can begin bestowing, you’ve got to first recognize that you are worthy of caring for yourself as you do others.How do you do this? By noticing the ways in which you are currently not taking very good care of yourself.Here...[ read more ]

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